I would like to say a big thank you for developing the PoM925.com trade eCommerce site which is now in full swing and working very well. THANK YOU.
Hi Kirsty, Thank you so much - you're a legend and I very much appreciate the extra time for free. Love the website, the content is really good, how do you do it! Thank you again.
We are very happy to refer you to anyone who needs a good website! We frequently get positive comments about our website and you provide a such good service.
I am well impressed, it looks great. Thanks so much for transferring all our old stuff over too, much appreciated
Superb service, Deliver what is promised, Deserve highest praise. Very rarely do we have an opportunity to praise or give a company the credit they deserve, aprompt Web development is one of those rare businesses that actually achieve what they offer …
Kirsty Paget worked with our principal partner, whose expectations definitely needed close management attention. Never once did she lose her patience or become exasperated by his demands (we are convinced she has the fortitude of a saint) steering him deftly towards a perfectly composed and highly successful web site.
We cannot commend Kirsty and her team highly enough and have no hesitation in working with aprompt in the future, they will not disappoint. Note: even our Principal “inaudibly” agrees Kirsty did a masterful job .. immense praise indeed !!!
A big thanks to you and Adrian for all the [web design] advice above and beyond, especially during our early stages.