Need extra cash or want to be in more control over your career destiny? Consider a side hustle and use the advice in this article to improve your chances of success!

How to build your side hustle on a budget – A five-week plan

Side hustles are a great way to make extra money and to develop your skills. When it comes to deciding what to have as a side hustle, you can do anything from tutoring to selling homemade crafts that you like making.

Getting started

Here are some simple steps for deciding what to work on:

  1. Identify your skillset. What skills do you have that can be used for a side hustle?
  2. Research your options. There are many websites that list what skills are in demand and what jobs pay well.
  3. Choose a side hustle that you’re passionate about and is in line with your skills and what are in demand.
  4. Find the time and energy for it, even if it’s just a few hours a week. Be realistic with your expectations. You should know how much time and effort it will take to build up your side hustle before investing money or time into it.
  5. Plan ahead and set goals for yourself. Make sure you write down what you want to accomplish.
  6. Start taking actions to set up your hustle

Planning ahead

Here’s a weekly breakdown of how you can get your side hustle set up online in just 5 weeks:

  • Week 1 – Decide on, and purchase your domain
  • Week 2 – Start planning your website and what content it will have
  • Week 3 – Add the key content to your site and review it
  • Week 4 – Finalise the website and start to promote it on platforms such as social media
  • Week 5 – Continue to add content to the site on a weekly basis to improve Google Search rankings

Need some help? We’ll register your domain name for you, help you plan your content and even write it for you too! Get in touch with our website designers now to get started.

Taking Action

Having a website is critical to any side hustle - whether it’s used for selling products and taking payment, or as a marketing tool to get your extra income business found by customers who can then get in touch with you.

Having your website created by a professional company will improve your chances of success, and it will also allow you to launch your hustle quicker.

Web designers offer different packages and services such as pay monthly websites or a website design that requires a substantial upfront fee to have the site created. This latter option is not ideal for anyone setting up a side hustle as it can take a long time to earn enough money to pay for the website.

At aprompt, we understand the pressure and challenges our clients have in setting up a business or side hustle, which is why we offer pay as you go websites with very affordable pricing - and not only are we great at helping you keep your start-up costs under control, we make your life easier.

You don't have to build your own website because our web designers do this for you! And we will work with you to ensure that each page is set up just the way you want it.

Getting found in Google search results

Prospecting and marketing can be a lot of time and effort. Something that you might not have much of if you are setting up a side hustle.

Luckily, there is one great way to get your online business found by potential customers without you having to attend networking events for 12 hours a day. A website that’s found in Google by potential customers means that your hustle can be attracting business 24/7 - and even while you are sleeping!

Ready for a pay as you go website for your new side hustle?

If you would like to understand more about our pay monthly websites and how we can help, give aprompt a call today.

Below are also some frequently asked questions that might also help.

What sort of pay monthly website designs do you offer?

At aprompt, we have created a range of website design templates that are stylish, easy to navigate and that our customers love. See what you get and understand more about our range of template designs for our pay monthly websites

What areas do you cover?

When it comes to great web designers, Wiltshire and the local area are covered by our services. We are based near Chippenham and, as well as serving customers locally, we have hundreds of customers based all around the UK.

Do Pay As You Go websites require a huge upfront cost?

No, they don’t! That’s the great thing about our pay as you go website packages. We don’t charge thousands of pounds to set up your website. You simply pay a small setup fee followed by a low monthly fee. Check out our Pay As You Go website options

Is there a long contract for Pay Monthly websites?

No, there is no long contract. We just require one months notice. But we’re sure you’ll be impressed with our PAYG websites because your new business can go from strength to strength.

Can I change my website design?

Yes, you can choose a new website design every 2 years for free! We’ll even transfer all your old website content from your current aprompt PAYG website to your new website for free. There is no catch – we want you to be a success, so if you’re happy, we’re happy!

Get in touch with our website designers in Wiltshire today and lets get your side hustle online fast!