Which is best: SEO or PR?

14 August 2024

SEO vs. PR: Crafting Content That Resonates with Humans (Not Just Algorithms!).

Picture this: you're strolling through the vast, digital landscape of the internet, a place brimming with endless information, much like a crowded street. Amidst this bustling environment, how do you make your voice heard? How do you ensure that your message not only reaches your audience but also engages them? This, dear readers, is where the dynamic duo of SEO and PR come into play, and why your website needs to be chums with both to thrive in the digital age.

Now, let's be real for a second. We've all encountered those web pages that made us feel like we've accidentally walked into a robot convention. Keywords stuffed here, there, and everywhere, with content that makes our eyes glaze over faster than you can say "Google it". Not exactly the riveting read we were hoping for, right? That's one side of the coin – a purely SEO-driven approach, focusing more on appeasing the algorithm gods rather than human beings.

Flip the coin, and you have PR: the art of storytelling and relationship building. It's about creating narratives that resonate, content that captivates, and dialogues that engage. Now, while PR might not be aggressively waving the SEO flag, it's all about building a brand's presence and credibility. PR is important.

But here’s the kicker: In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, it's not about choosing between SEO and PR. Instead, it's about creating a beautiful synergy between the two. Enter EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) – one of Google's mantras (and one of a good web designers too). It’s like the golden ticket to ensuring your content is not just found, but also loved and respected.

Blending SEO and PR: The Recipe for Success

  1. Keyword Kindness: Instead of stuffing keywords like you’re filling a turkey at Christmas, sprinkle them throughout your content with a delicate hand. Use them in a way that feels natural - almost like they just happened to find their way into your content while taking a leisurely stroll.
  2. Tell a Tale: Here's where your PR hat comes on. Craft stories and narratives around those keywords. Make your content compelling, engaging, and, dare we say, unputdownable (not actually sure that’s a word though?). Remember, you’re not just trying to make Google fall in love with you; you're wooing your human audience too. For those who want to do their best with SEO it’s probably easier to write what you want first, then SEO it with your chosen keywords and phrases.
  3. Be the Expert: Establishing authority isn't just tossing around big words and hoping for the best. Share knowledge, provide insights, and back it up with data. It's about showing your audience that you're not just another pretty face in the digital crowd; you actually know your onions.
  4. Trust is a Must: Trustworthiness comes from consistency and honesty. Be the voice your audience relies on, not just for accurate information, but also for a good chat by the digital water cooler. Make your website a place they come back to, not because they have to, but because they want to.
  5. Engage, Don’t Enrage: Finally, create content that encourages interaction. Ask questions, shout out to your audience, and maybe throw in a joke or two (even if it's just Dad-level humour). The more your audience engages with your content, the more the algorithms will sit up and take notice.

In the grand scheme of things, marrying SEO with PR is like making bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich. Yes, you could have all the ingredients on its own, but why would you when together they create something downright delightful? It’s about blending the technical with the magical; optimising not just for search engines, but for the hearts and minds of your audience.

So, as you venture forth into the realm of digital content creation, keep this mantra close to your heart: Be human. Whether you're weaving a narrative tapestry or strategically placing keywords, remember, at the end of the day, it's humans you're talking to. And what do humans like? That's right – content that's as enjoyable as a sunny day out in Wiltshire.

There you have it – a mini-guide to harmonising SEO and PR for website content creation.

Think of us as your friendly neighbourhood website wizards, here to help you navigate the digital expanse. Together, let’s make the internet a place teeming with content that’s not just seen but felt, appreciated, and, most importantly, enjoyed.


Cheers to creating digital experiences that resonate, one beautifully crafted piece of content at a time!

If you need help with your website and SEO, get in touch with our web designers in Wiltshire. We can offer friendly advice, train you in copywriting skills or SEO your website for you.