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Online sales rocket

9 January 2014

The following article highlights some great points for eCommerce websites, mainly:

  1. eCommerce websites should be built for use on ALL devices - Desktops, Tablets and Mobiles.
  2. eCommerce websites should be designed for the user in mind - you need to know your target market before you start (if possible) - don't worry though aprompt can help identify your target markets with you. Just contact our website designers in Wiltshire for a meeting. OK- here's the article.....

Online shopping using Smartphones increases

M&S has announced a major jump in trading on its website, including from smartphones and tablets, as it continues to push ahead with a major online platform overhaul.

The firm announced that in its third quarter of 2013 it saw sales from M&S.com rise by 22.7%, compared with the same period last year. It also said that in the last eight weeks before Christmas this was up by 24.1% on the same period last year.

The firm revealed that traffic to its website has risen over the past quarter and this is also leading to more sales. Mobile devices are also proving popular, with orders made from tablets up 100 percent and from mobile phones up 80 percent.

M&S chief executive Marc Bolland said the figures proved the value of pushing ahead with an overhaul of its website to best meet the needs of shoppers.

“M&S.com also had a great quarter with sales up 23 percent, strongly ahead of the market,” he said.

“Our strategy to transform M&S into an international, multi-channel retailer, will keep on improving our .com service with the launch of our new platform and our new warehouse at full capacity.”

The firm said plans to overhaul its platform are on track for a spring launch and it promised it would make a “meaningful difference” to its online services.

The increase in online sales continues the trend at M&S for good mobile uptake, with the firm announcing strong uptake over the summer of 2013, thanks in part to the launch of its Android app.

News brought to you courtesy of www.v3.co.uk

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