What you need to know when setting up a new small business website 

If you’re taking the first step towards setting up a small business in the UK or boosting your current business you’ll need a good website. At aprompt, we’re all about helping you navigate the often-confusing world of website design with ease and clarity. Below, you’ll find a friendly guide filled with answers to some common questions that small business owners have about creating and maintaining a website in the UK.

We’re proud to share our knowledge and experience to help you succeed online!

Q1: Why does a small business need a website?

Having an online presence is crucial. It’s not just about selling products online; it’s about giving your business credibility, making it easier for potential customers to find you (especially out of hours), and showcasing what makes your brand unique. We believe a website is a powerful tool to communicate with your customers and expand your reach beyond the local clientele.

Q2: What are the key features every small business website should have?

A successful website is more than just good looks. It needs:

  • Clear navigation: Easy for visitors to find what they need.
  • Responsive design: Looks great on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Contact information: Easily accessible, so customers can reach you.
  • About Us page: Shares your story and connects with customers.
  • Calls to Action (CTAs): Encourages visitors to take an action like calling, booking, or buying.
  • SEO basics: Optimised so search engines can discover you.
  • Fast loading times: Keeps visitors happy and engaged.

Q3: How much does a small business website cost in the UK?

Cost can vary based on your specific needs, but we care greatly about providing affordable solutions. Generally, prices can range from £40 per month with an initial setup fee of around £480 for a cheap business website like our PAYG template websites to around £1600 for a custom website design, depending on the complexity of the design and functionality required. We’re more than happy to discuss your budget and find a solution that works for you without breaking the bank.

Q4: Should I use a website builder or hire a professional website designer?

Free website builders can be a good starting point for those who are just testing the waters or have little or no budget. However, you will need a good dollop of creative flare, lots of time and patience (preferably in a quiet room so you’re not disturbed) and a basic knowledge of SEO and user journeys to make it worth your time and effort. Remember to test your website on mobile devices too!

Hiring professionals like us ensures you save time and therefore money and you get a professional online presence tailored to your brand, with optimal functionality, and ongoing support. That way, you get to focus on the day-to-day operations of your business, while we help make it work online.

Q5: How can I measure the success of my website?

We believe in the power of data to drive business decisions. Tools like Google Analytics can help track a small percentage of visitor behaviour (depending on user choices) and this includes source of traffic, page views, and much more. However, if you subscribe to our website careplans, our server reports can give more accurate data on traffic numbers to your website. These insights allow us to refine and adjust your SEO strategy to better meet the needs of your audience.

Q6: What kind of ongoing maintenance does my website need?

Regular additions to your content will help your SEO. We offer website care plans to handle your SEO and any content updates you’d like, so you can focus on what you do best: running your business.

Our website CMS is custom coded which means it’s less vulnerable than open-source CMS software you’d find in websites like WordPress. Websites that use open-source CMS software like WordPress need regular security and technical updates which are critical to keep them running smoothly and securely. Our website CMS software is custom coded in-house and is more robust, which also means our websites will cost you less in the long term too. So as long as your website is secure and the code is up to date, the most important area for your small business website is your content.

Q7: How do I ensure my website is secure?

Security is paramount. We ensure your website is equipped with an SSL certificate, secure UK-based hosting and server updates when required to protect against vulnerabilities. For all PAYG template websites, you get free code updates for the life of the website. Educating yourself and your staff on basic cybersecurity practices is also crucial.

At aprompt, we’re proud to say that we’ve helped countless small business owners in the UK bring their brands to life online. We’re passionate about creating websites that not only meet but exceed our clients' expectations.

Ready to take the leap or have more questions?

We’d love to chat and see how we can help your business flourish online. Let’s start your website together - speak to our website designers in Wiltshire

small business websites